Your Pet, Our Passion.

Regulatory & Scientific Affairs Specialist and Veterinarian @Purina

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What does natural pet food mean? Are your products natural?

The term natural might mean many different things to different people. The definition used in the pet food industry defines natural pet food as one that contains only natural substances and has been subjected to a limited level of physical processes. In our portfolio, we offer products that contain natural ingredients.

What does natural pet food mean? The term natural pet food can be used to describe food that has substances derived from plants, animals, micro-organisms or minerals:

  • to which nothing artificial has been added
  • which have been subjected to basic processes only; such as freezing or drying. Chemical treatments for example would not be acceptable.

Within our range, we have brands that use natural ingredients in their products (e.g. PURINA BEYONDPURINA ONE DualNatureBETA in dry pet food). When you see on our packaging statements such as “with natural ingredients”, it relates to these natural ingredients that are identified with an asterisk (*) or another symbol in the composition list.

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